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10 not-so-Christmasy Christmas Movies

It's pretty much here!! The Christmas season! As much as I love Christmas, eventually I get burned out.... Sike! I actually don’t but for those that do, here is a post just for you! I have compiled a list of movies (that have a hint of Christmas) so you won’t be watching a movie about summer time heat while drinking a peppermint mocha. I covered most genres from love to horror. I might do this every year seeing as you could add to this list as each year passes. So without further delay, here it is:

  1. Jurrasic World

  2. Harry Potter Series

  3. Die Hard

  4. Leathal Weapon

  5. The Shinning

  6. Edward Scissorhands

  7. Mean Girls

  8. Love Actually

  9. Meet the Parents

  10. When Harry Met Sally

And my favorite non-Christmas movie is... (insert drum roll) Mean Girls. I mean, Target made a Christmas sweater out of the Glen Coco quote. See? It's a magical time of year.

Shop this sweater here.

Whats your go-to movie for the holiday? Do you get tired of the Hallmark Holiday marathon?

Happy Thanksgiving guys! Stay classy. XOXO

2015 by momjeansandmimosas

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