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What's currently in my diaper bag...

Penelope is officially 13 months today! Yay for milestones! However, I feel like its just passed me by. Even more so since having Ace. Maybe thats because my time is sort of divided between the two. Ugh, regardless of time, its still happening. Since my baby days are numbered (please believe I'm done having babies), I thought I would share another "whats in my diaper bag." I already got one out of diapers so this segment is more about Penz then Ace.

First I have to thank my awesome husband who listens to me and buys my dream bag from Fawn Designs. A small (but growing) business that makes adorable backpacks for the modern mom. Just look at this detail. The front features two pockets. One of which has a zipper closure and the other as deep as one may need. You never know with two kiddos. :) Then there are two side pockets as well as four on the inside! All the hardwear is done in gold so its effortlessly chic. Plus, this bucket bag has a shoulder strap that can be removed and worn specifically as a back pack. Im still swooning over this baby.

The removable strap links... In gold of course.

Swaddles for when its cold by Aden and Anais. The grey and white floral nursing cover was free! Major score. But I saw some super cute ones by the Honest Co. Then theres the never failing Target diapers and Babyganic wipes. I actually prefer the Honest wipes but these ones work just as good! I like how they are non-scented and have pretty simple ingredients. PS- check out the detailed print on the inside of the bag? Like I said, swooning. its like happieness everytime I open it!.

You gotta get this healing balm! Its the shizz. It seriously gets used on everything. Its the best for diaper rash and chapped lips. Then there is always a reason for hand sanitizer. I mean, when I have to get gas Im slathering that stuff on after touching the nozzle. yuck. So thanks Honest! The Zoli cup is great for toting water for my babes. the straw has a weight at the bottom so the kids can get even the very last drop out.

Im about that agenda life. I carry one around and list my to-do list on it. Its great for planning my blog posts, jotting down ideas or quotes I want to remember. I hate turning to my iphone for these things. I really like to scribble stuff down. I even like to fill out applications. Dont judge! And I know you might be thinking "how the heck does this girl read?" At night. And at the dentist. You never know! There's always an opportunity. Sometimes the kids fall asleep in the car while Im posted in the driveway so I take that time to send my hubby a selfie and read Dulce's "The sweet life." BTW, I picked this libro up at the local library. It saves you some $$ if you have the time.

Kind bars are kind to my tummy... I carry a little perfume just incase and ALWAYS chapstick because--- lips. nuff said.

Always carry a bib! This one by skip hop folds into itself and its fairly big so you have more coverage for spills.

The holy grail of chapsticks!!

Baby not included when purchasing this bag. Not pictured: Plum baby food and a hair tie.

What do you carry in your purse or diaper bag? xoxo

2015 by momjeansandmimosas

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